I'm back...

It’s been a while since my last post (which now seems quite outdated). I haven’t had much motivation to blog since then and have instead been busying myself with different things. I was amending details on the blog yesterday though and have seen that quite a few people have found their way here which may be down to the fact the blog address is listed as a website in books I have released and on different pages. It might just be coincidence though.

However, thought that I would try a bit harder. While I can't promise daily rants, opinions and thoughts I will be trying to update more regularly with deetails of what what I am up to and have been up to as well as things that peak my interest.

Since the last post a lot has happened. I have started to publish independently with Amazon, an independent website called Noisetrade and more recently on the Kobo store. I have put out a few different things with plans for more to come. rather than going into them here, over the next few weeks I will try and add posts recapping on some of the things I have published and am hoping to publish, but you can check them out too in the mean time via the links at the side.

Hope to see you back here shortly.

Bye for now


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